“And I saw one of his heads, as if it was wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world marveled and followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon which gave power to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:3,4). As we saw earlier in this chapter, the sea beast had seven heads, each a basic characteristic of the medieval Roman Catholic Church. It was the political/military "head" of the papacy that was severely wounded toward the end of the Middle Ages. The military and political capabilites developed slowly over many centuries. The Church of Rome began as a persecuted church—first by Nero in 64 AD and later in the general persecution of the Jews. As Christians began to distinguish themselves from the Jews, they were persecuted because of their “atheistic” refusal to worship the old Roman gods and their “anarchic” refusal to give homage to the emperor.
After becoming the official Roman religion under
Essential aid also came from the eastern empire which, after of period of decline, was reasserting its military power under the brilliant emperor Justinian. His armies came to the aid of the Roman church, driving the Ostrogoths from Rome in AD 538.[2] The Catholic Church was now free to expand, and by the eighth century dominated essentially all of
The “mortal wound” was not a single decisive event, but rather a series of setbacks for the Papacy. Church corruption along with the sale of indulgences used to finance the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral in
Continue to next section: THE FRENCH REVOLUTION
[1] Arius (AD 250-336) taught that Christ was in some sense a created being.
[2] Wikipedia contributors, "Siege of Rome (537-38)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
[3] “The peace of