In Daniel 7 the papacy is represented by the “little horn” (see 2: Thyatira and Appendix 11). Comparing the little horn of Daniel 7 with the sea beast of Revelation 13, we find confirmation that the beast from the sea represents the medieval Roman Catholic Church. The little horn had “a mouth speaking…pompous words against the Most High” (Daniel 7:8,25). Likewise, the sea beast “was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies…and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6). This description fits the medieval papacy, which has a long history of blasphemous claims, such as that of pope Leo VII who, in his pastoral letter “The Reunion of Christendom” of June 20, 1884, asserted that “we [the popes] hold on this earth the place of God Almighty.”
The little horn “was making war against the saints and prevailing against them” and “shall persecute the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:21,25). Likewise, the sea beast was allowed “to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation” (Revelation 13:7). Again the Papacy of the Middle Ages fits the specifications, having carried out the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the persecution and execution of reformers such as John Huss, as well as a series of vicious wars against “heretics” such as the Waldenses , the Huguenots, and the Reformed Churches of northern
The little horn would prevail “for a time, times and half a time” (Daniel 7:25). The sea beast “was given authority to continue for forty-two months” (Revelation 13:5). In chapter 12 we saw that the "1,260 days", the "time, times and half a time," and the "forty-two months" refer to the same period: the 1,260 years of papal political supremacy. These close parallels between the Little Horn of Daniel 7 and the sea beast leave no question as to its identity: the beast from the sea represents the papal Roman Catholic Church of the Middle Ages.
“a mouth speaking…pompous words against the Most High” (Daniel 7:8,25). | “a mouth speaking great things and blasphemy... against God” (Revelation 13:5,6). |
“was making war against the saints and prevailing against them” (Daniel 7:21,25). | allowed “to make war with the saints and to overcome them” (Revelation 13:7). |
would prevail for “a time, times and half a time” (Daniel 7:25). | “was given authority to continue for forty-two months” (Revelation 13:5). |