Tag: Satan
Cosmic Conflict 1. Revelation of Jesus 41
As Satan’s masterpiece of deception and coercion is unmasked, God reminds us that He has made an everlasting covenant with us; we are His chosen people, and He will never leave us or forsake us.
Seven Seals 4. Revelation of Jesus 17
A strong angel challenges the authority of God to open the book of life. Who is this strong angel, and why is he challenging what seems to be God’s obvious desire for the book to be opened?
Revelation of Jesus 17, Seven seals 4
A “strong angel” challenges the opening of the Book of Life by questioning ‘Who is worthy to open the book and to loose its seals?”
Christians can Cast Out Evil Spirits
The Bible teaches that Evil Spirits are real. They are angels who sinned and were cast out of Heaven with Satan. Jesus gave His followers authority over them and do not need to be afraid of them.
Evil was not created by God
God created a perfect and harmonious universe. Although He didn’t plan for sin, He made provision for it if it would arise and took responsibility for it even at infinite cost to Himself.
Jesus Saves All who Accept God and Reject Satan
In the end times, salvation is only for the true followers of Christ who accept the leading of the Holy Spirit and reject the falsehoods of Satan.
Satan Was Not Created by God
Satan, once an Angel closest to the throne of God, was created perfect but by focusing on his own glory he rejected God and did not hesitate to harm others.
Miracles performed by Satan in the Last Days
God warns us that spectacular miracles will take place at the end of time but Satan and his agents will be performing them.
Satan Chained in Bottomless Pit for 1000 Years
At the Second Coming of Christ the wicked destroyed broken up by violent earthquakes satan be confined chaotic earth (the “bottomless pit chained in the sense that he will have no one tempt and nothing to do)
Remnant of Revelation Keep the Commandments of God
The Remnant is what is left when the majority is gone. In the Bible the Remnant are the few faithful individuals out of the majority who have turned away from God. In the Last Days the Remnant will keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus.
Michael the Archangel is Jesus as He opposes Satan
A comparison of many scriptures shows that Michael the Archangel is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in His role of opposing Satan and rebuking his claims. As Michael Jesus cast Satan out of Heaven and will eventually cast him into the Lake of Fire where he will be destroyed.
War in Heaven, Satan the Dragon makes Earth the Battlefield
Revelation 12 describes War in Heaven in which Satan, the “Dragon”, is cast out of Heaven. This is actually a continuation of the Great Controversy which began when Satan challenged God and accused Him of being unjust. Sin entered this world when Adam and Eve accepted Satan’s accusations.
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