Tag: Little Book
Seven Trumpets 13. Revelation of Jesus 39
Two witnesses declare God’s efforts to bring anyone who is willing out of physical and spiritual slavery of sin into freedom and life.
Seven Trumpets 12. Revelation of Jesus 38
The Little Book of Revelations reveals to us clearly that God’s power is exercised not for display of authority and supremacy but for winning a great multitude for His kingdom.
Revelation of Jesus 38, Seven Trumpets 12
During the Time of the End, the mysteries sealed in the little book will be revealed: “There will be no more delay!”
Revelation of Jesus 33, Seven Trumpets 7
Seven Thunders consist of last-day prophecies that have to do with the timing, the events, the signs, and the judgments leading up to the return of Christ
The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10, like the prophecies of Daniel and Matthew 24, give information about what will happen at the end of time. God’s special messengers will understand the Bible prophecies (symbolized by eating a “little book”) and will complete the Mystery of God by sharing the message with the world.

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