Tag: Jesus
Worship and Prayers to God, not Saints
According to the Apostle Paul, all believers are saints. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates that we should worship or pray to holy people who have died. Worship is to be directed only to the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Believe in Jesus and be a Christian
To be a Christian means to believe what God says about you, to accept what He has done for you, and to follow His ways in your life.
A Christian Believes in Jesus, has Eternal Life
A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ.
Eternal Life is Joy and Pleasure with God Forever
Those who have believed God and have responded to His initiatives, the Holy Spirit and the Gospel will live forever in the Kingdom of God. The first 1000 years will be in Heaven, and then on the renewed Earth. It will be a real and satisfying a physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually
Second Coming of Christ He Rescues His Followers
The Second Coming of Christ is a major themes in Revelation, but most of what is said describes its effect on unbelievers. They have rejected Christ and are persecuting His followers, and when He comes they will will be destroyed
Michael the Archangel is Jesus as He opposes Satan
A comparison of many scriptures shows that Michael the Archangel is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in His role of opposing Satan and rebuking his claims. As Michael Jesus cast Satan out of Heaven and will eventually cast him into the Lake of Fire where he will be destroyed.
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus and what He has been doing and will do to bring evil and injustice to an end. It focuses on the Last Days when the Antichrist Babylon system persecutes God’s People and the 144,000 give God’s last message to the world.
The Book of Revelation is supposed to reveal what God is doing. So why is it so confusing? A Revelation of Jesus is a book that can help you understand what Revelation means. You can read it online to find an in-depth analysis of every chapter and verse with the Bible itself used as the key to understanding the symbols, drama and predictions of Revelation. And you can open Important Questions to read a series of short articles that summarize some of the key themes of Revelation.
Revelation chapter 19 describes the Second Coming of Christ when Babylon, the Beast and the False Prophet will be destroyed. After the Marriage of the Lamb the Redeemed will attend His Marriage Supper.
In Revelation chapter 22 Jesus says that He is coming quickly, and urges us to come to Him so that we will be ready.
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