Tag: Bottomless Pit
Satan Chained in Bottomless Pit for 1000 Years
At the Second Coming of Christ the wicked destroyed broken up by violent earthquakes satan be confined chaotic earth (the “bottomless pit chained in the sense that he will have no one tempt and nothing to do)
False Prophet of Revelation Deceives the World with Miracles
The False Prophet is one of the leaders of the final Babylon who will organize the Battle of Armageddon. He is with the apostate American Church (Beast from the Earth) and works deceptive miracles. He is allied with the Beast from the Bottomless Pit and they will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the Second Coming
The Beast of Revelation wars against God’s Children
There are four beasts described in Revelation: The Beast from the Sea (the Medieval Catholic Church), the Beast from the Earth (the United States at the End of Time), the Scarlet Beast (the religio-political persecuting power at the End of Time) and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit (the Final Antichrist)
Revelation 9 describes a war in which the Bottomless Pit is opened and “Locusts” pour out. The war of the Locust Army is the same as the war between the King of the North and the King of the South described in Daniel 11. God’s people will be protected by the Seal of God, not the Secret Rapture.
Revelation 20 the Millennium begins when Satan is chained in the Bottomless Pit and the Righteous Dead are raised in the First Resurrection. At the end of the Millennium the Rest of the Dead are raised (Gog and Magog)and will face the Great White Throne judgment and the Lake of Fire (Hell).
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