Eternal Life is Joy and Pleasure with God Forever
Those who have believed God and have responded to His initiatives, the Holy Spirit and the Gospel will live forever in the Kingdom of God. The first 1000 years will be in Heaven, and then on the renewed Earth. It will be a real and satisfying a physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually
Hell is not Eternal Torture
Revelation teaches that Hell is not just separation from God: it is fire that destroys sinners, but it destroys both body and soul, it does not leave sinners in eternal torment. The many misconceptions about Hell derive from the false doctrine of the Immortal Soul
Millennium, 1000 Years with Jesus in Heaven
The Millennium is 1000 years just after the Second Coming of Christ. Those who have been saved will be in Heaven and will “judge men and angels”. The “wicked” will be in their graves and will not be resurrected until the 1000 years are over; at tht time, they and Satan will face the final judgment
Satan Chained in Bottomless Pit for 1000 Years
At the Second Coming of Christ the wicked destroyed broken up by violent earthquakes satan be confined chaotic earth (the “bottomless pit chained in the sense that he will have no one tempt and nothing to do)
Second Coming of Christ He Rescues His Followers
The Second Coming of Christ is a major themes in Revelation, but most of what is said describes its effect on unbelievers. They have rejected Christ and are persecuting His followers, and when He comes they will will be destroyed
The Harlot of Revelation 17 is the Corrupt Christian Church
Women in the Bible symbolize the Church, either pure or corrupt. The Scarlet Beast of Revelation 17 is ridden (controlled) by a Harlot, showing that at the end of time the corrupt international Church will control the state to persecute God’s people
Babylon in Revelation, the Great Enemy of God’s Children
Babylon was an ancient enemy of God’s people. When Babylon was destroyed, the religion reappeared in Rome and eventually invaded the Christian Church. At the end of time Babylon will reappear, led by the Beast from the Bottomless Pit and the False Prophet
Battle of Armageddon, Satan Tries to Destroy God’s Children
The Battle of Armageddon is the last attempt of Satan to destroy the Children of God on Earth before the Second Coming of Christ. Satan (the Dragon) and his agents, the Beast from the Bottomless Pit and the False Prophet, will gather world leaders (kings of the earth) but they will be destroyed when Christ returns
False Prophet of Revelation Deceives the World with Miracles
The False Prophet is one of the leaders of the final Babylon who will organize the Battle of Armageddon. He is with the apostate American Church (Beast from the Earth) and works deceptive miracles. He is allied with the Beast from the Bottomless Pit and they will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the Second Coming
The Beast of Revelation wars against God’s Children
There are four beasts described in Revelation: The Beast from the Sea (the Medieval Catholic Church), the Beast from the Earth (the United States at the End of Time), the Scarlet Beast (the religio-political persecuting power at the End of Time) and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit (the Final Antichrist)
Thank God He is our Judge
All of us have experienced unfair judgment based on inadequate information, selfishness, or malevolence. Only God, our Creator, will always judge us righteously.
What God Really Wants
What does God want from us? This has been one of the most fundamental questions that people have asked in all of human existence. Bible reveals that what God really wants is for people to love Him and the other creatures He has made.
Christians can Cast Out Evil Spirits
The Bible teaches that Evil Spirits are real. They are angels who sinned and were cast out of Heaven with Satan. Jesus gave His followers authority over them and do not need to be afraid of them.
Church of God needs Unity, not Divisions and Denominations
God desires unity in His Church. Suspicions, desire for supremacy and false doctrine have led to divisions and a multitude of Churches and Christian Denominations. Why is this happening?
Worship and Prayers to God, not Saints
According to the Apostle Paul, all believers are saints. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates that we should worship or pray to holy people who have died. Worship is to be directed only to the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Believe in Jesus and be a Christian
To be a Christian means to believe what God says about you, to accept what He has done for you, and to follow His ways in your life.
A Christian Believes in Jesus, has Eternal Life
A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ.
After Death the Soul Sleeps awaiting the Resurrection
Did you ever wonder whether your soul will live in Heaven or in Hell after death? Bible teaches that the soul pauses to exist at the time of death and awaits the resurrection when God will recreate it.
Evil was not created by God
God created a perfect and harmonious universe. Although He didn’t plan for sin, He made provision for it if it would arise and took responsibility for it even at infinite cost to Himself.
Christians Keep the Law of God by Faith
We are saved by faith in Christ, but the law has the important role of showing what is important to God in the way we relate to Him and to others.